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Swear I Didn’t Drop Acid!

I had the craziest dream last night. There was me, Justin Bieber, Hailey Bieber, Selena Gomez, my Mum and other celebrities.

I can't quite remember but in the dream Justin Bieber and I had been together for six years and he updated his internet status to say so.

I mentioned to my Mum (who I'd told but hadn't believed me) and said he was gonna finally admit it. Expecting an apology but she said she'd seen it, then proceeded to ask angrily why the Hell would I be with him? No apology.

Then we were in a room with Hailey, Selena, my Mum, Justin and somebodies sister who I'd taken on as my own. The sister I'd gained from moving in with someone. She had no mum and I said I would look after her, put her hair in French plaits everyday, iron her uniform every Sunday and take her to school.

Then I was in a room with my Mum at one side, Justin at the other. I don't know why but he proposed to me, it was really romantic and so real. He even sang an original song and it was amazing. I'd never heard it before.

Strange and fantastic the way the mind works.

Then Hailey gets up. Walks in to the middle of the room and cuts her throat in front of us all. We all freak out but she dies. I felt real pain if and desperation for her to be okay.

Me, Selena and the random sister id taken on were devastated. We decided we'd drive her to some special favourite place of hers. To honour her. As odd as that sounds. I was genuinely sad and wanted to somehow make it ok though I never could.

Next thing we're in some hotel. Hailey comes out of nowhere, alive and and tries to kill us all. We escape her but know she is alive and wanting vengeance.Meanwhile the internet and news is going mad with the story.

Then somehow we find out that Justin has an artifact that brings people back to life and has captured on camera her being brought back. We had no idea who would help her but it turns out she's planned it.

Then it turned out we were on a tv show. It was a reality show.

Then I was kissing Justin (seemed pretty real and delicious! Don't judge me you know you'd feel the same!) He suddenly turned in to a black ashy type being (tree like skin texture and his head and abdomen went back and Hailey came out all narled.

I was shocked to put it mildly. She began killing people who then turned black ash like, their face split apart and Justin came out of one and other celebrities out of the others.

You can't make this shhhhiiii up!

Then we were in teams me and Selena and the sister on one, Hailey and two other woman on the other and we were killing each other but everyone who died went black ash and someone else rose from them.

Messed up. Strangest dream ever. Just like a movie I swear. It's the dehydracodeine.

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