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Screwing Us Out of a Society

You might ask what’s screwing us out of a society. It’s greed, it’s consumerism, it’s materialism, basically… it’s vanity.

Everyone wants to get rich or richer and I watch the divide between the rich and poor grow second by second.

Everyone wants a flashy car, flashy house, flashy wife, flashy body, flashy kids, flashy social media, flashy life.

Shall I tell you how to be happy. Instead of paying ten thousand on a car, spend seven thousand on the car. Spend a gran on a trip to a country people can’t afford health care. Spend a thousand pound and month there, find a child in need of life saving treatment, get to know the child and the family. Pay a thousand for the treatment, see the transition and finally, see your soul enriched.

Why can’t we as a society become obsessed with spending our money and energy into making the world into a better place than obsessed with the new LV Bag.

Wake up!

If I had a billion pounds, I would be over the moon to live on a million a year and spend the rest allowing me to change lives and ultimately change our world.

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