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Fight or Flight

I get so scared. Terrified. Voices are awful. Always hearing awful things never knowing what to believe.

I thought my meds needed to be upped but when I went in to hospital for my hip my voices ceased and didn't return until my depot.

I'm no crusader. I'm not special in anyway. I'm just the woman next door that you smile at in the street.

We all have stories trials adversities. Life's not easy and trying to navigate it alone is impossible.

I think the nhs is invaluable but it should not take someone committing a serious offence before they really examine and treat your mental health.

I used to love conflict and make complaints left right and centre but I hate it these days. It's not nice but I always ask myself if I don't do it, then who?

Tonight I feel particularly scared and disturbed so I did the only thing in my power to do and I prayed.

I hope I can help others in some small way I hope there are people who find comfort in my voice.

The mistakes I've made in the past make me sick. That's why it was easy for this drug addict to pour away over half a bottle of liquid morphine down the sink.

I pray for everyone because there would be no strife if there was no suffering.

I love my family with my whole heart. All of them. Warts and all as Oliver Cromwell would say.

There is nothing we can do but plod along with a heart full of good intend and look forward to an eternal life free of any kind of pain.

As Phil Wickham says, I choose The Jesus Way. I choose fight not flight.

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