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The Particulars…

In my last post I talked about the money I've borrowed and taken from my family. I mentioned my brother but I completely forgot about my mother.

So let me first go in to how I fraudulently took money from my brother.

I was down as his carer on his Personal Independence Payment (PIP) so I could fill in the forms for him.

When he was successful he got around seven thousand in backdated money. The thing about it was, the bank details were mine.

So when they payed him they sent me the letter and put the backdated money in my bank account. I told him he had been awarded it.

I didn't tell him about the backdate and kept it for myself. I blew it on my apartment, flowers for my mum, meals for my friend and cocaine.

I felt so bad I called him up after the fact and told him. He didn't go to the Police, I told him he could and he said I wouldn't be able to handle Prison.

But, that's not where the drama ends. After I told him he called them and changed his details. Then, he got awarded about nine grand but by error they put it in my bank.

They wrote him a letter to say and I gave him my bank card to get the money but I was so ill I cancelled the card and stole his money... AGAIN!!

I spent it on running from my ex who I believed was stalking me with his friend firing guns at me and what not.

I believed I was being injured, killed, raped , tortured by those around me but I couldn't feel it yet because at any moment it would all hit me and all the memories would be accumulated and maximise my suffering.

So yeah I spent it on taxis, hotels, cigarettes, and yes, more cocaine. Still, he didn't call the police and shortly after I was sectioned under the mental health act.

What I failed to mention in my last post, was that I fraudulently took money from my mum too. I knew all her personal information and security for her Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and PIP.

My Mum doesn't have a bank account. She can't get one because she doesn't have a passport or photo ID.

So... I called ESA and PIP, pretended to be her and changed all her personal details so she couldn't pass security and took her money for several months.

She wasn't living with me at the time and relied on that money.

I of course needed it for cocaine and a pink Superdry hoodie. I also had my nails done. I'm accustomed to a certain type of living don't you know 🙄.

Still they forgave me. I didn't try to avoid punishment. I confessed to the Police but nothing happened. The thing is whatever I do wrong I always end up owning up to it in the end.

I really don't deserve them in my life, but I'm so grateful to them for their forgiveness and as I said before, grace.

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