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Post Christmas Blues

I'm sure you're familiar with the lull after Christmas and New Year. Spirits are so high over the season . but we're all aware what goes high must go low. You're not alone if you're feeling blah.

I'm lazy or burnt out, not sure which there's so much housework and I've put back on all the weight I lost before Christmas and some more. I'm sitting on a rocking chair and my belly sticks out as far as my boobs.

So what to do to raise spirits. I think the answer is service because (for me at least) nothing makes you happier and grounds you more. When you serve people who need you, you can't help but feel better about your situation.

If you serve your family by showing appreciation you get the gift of seeing them happy because of something you've done.

Recent experience made me painfully aware of how I've neglected and unappreciated my family until the clock began counting down to a time I will lose them. Now the meaning in my life is strengthening bonds, making memories and making time.

I saw an advert for volunteers to help with families and that's definitely something I would like to get involved in. I love helping people but it feel's limited as to what I can do. I'm thinking when it's dry out, the next time I see a homeless person or beggar I might buy them a hot chocolate, sit down beside them and listen to them for a while. A learning experience for myself.

The homeless and beggars are people too. I once moved a homeless guy in to my house, I said he could stay free of charge if he decorated. I thought it was a good deal and so did he until he started dating my best friend then he just stayed at hers all the time and I was told it was bad treatment. Then he moved in with the friend and we all became estranged.

Thing is I do have a tendency to have high expectations. I want a lot from people and sometimes lack empathy or understanding until I've had time to think about it which is apparently my autism.

If you don't feel you have time to serve because you're swamped at work maybe you could secretly serve a colleague or employer, perhaps a customer. I assure you doing good is more rewarding when you keep it to yourself.

While I moved a homeless person in I advise against it. Thing is I always expect people to be good but unfortunately not all people are. There's no point risking your safety as gutted as you may be that you have a spare room and there are people sleeping on the street.

So my advice for getting over the Post Christmas Blues, find somebody, anybody to serve. If you do and it doesn't lift your mood, please get in touch.

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