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Peace in Prayer

Funny really, how our minds work and why they work that way. My mind is the last place I would expect to find an enemy.

Who really knows how or why it becomes ill exactly. Though we know more about the brain now than ever before we still understand so little.

Was it drugs that led to me being mentally ill, genetic disposition, trauma. Nobody really knows and different doctors have differing opinions.

I feel like it's all I live and breathe these days. Like there's no room in my life for anything and just when I think I'm well I get ill.

It's such a struggle. I feel like it dictates everything I say and do. So much so I'm losing sight of my identity.

Still I hold on to hope I will be able to make a full recovery. Is that foolish? God has a plan for me. Prayer is a comfort and my only place to find solace sometimes.

I think faith is the answer, whether it's faith in humanity or God, if it's a faith in something positive, it speaks love to your heart.

I prayed shortly after my last prayer and I felt a peace wash over me. Just knowing I have someone I can go to in my worst moments gives me strength to #Fight4Life

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