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Nowt as Decent as Folk

My family. Honestly. They're not like me. They're decent folk.

I owe my Mum about twenty grand and last week I went to pay her back some hundred or something and she thought it was too much!

TOO MUCH!! Only about nineteen grand TOO LITTLE. No mention of the historic debt. No, not at all!

Then there's my brother.

I must owe my brother about forty grand.

I borrowed a further fifty pounds off him tonight and he said when I pay him next week I can deduct ten pounds I bought his cigs with and five pounds for the chocolate we got for the cinema!!

Can you EFFING IMAGINE!! No mention of the twenty grand owed and the twenty grand I fraudulently stole from him.

No, my family vanish my debts and mistakes like they're coins in a magic trick!

Me, not me. When they owe me money I expect every last cent and more. I take, take, take off them and they give.

In the past I didn't pay them anything back or a pittance but these days I pay as much as I can afford every time I get money because I'm that DAMN GRATEFUL for their grace.

My family. Nowt as Decent as the Folk in My Family.

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